Sunday, March 25, 2012

Classroom Management

It has been said that classroom management can be the key to a successful classroom. Why do you think that could be true? In what ways do classroom management techniques impact student learning?


  1. The ability to have a productive, effective, and worthwhile lesson is entirely based on classroom management. In order to impact student learning, the teacher must plan accordingly based on time, content, and potential road blocks. If a situation arises from student conflict, the teacher must preemptively handle the students while continuing on with the lesson. Perhaps a disruption occurs from outside the class, are students aware of the teacher’s expectation to continue with the lesson? The stage that the teacher sets at the beginning of the year must be maintained throughout the semester. Simple things such as; ease to a pencil sharpener, finger signals to request bathroom permission, and classroom sayings indicating one two, eyes on you, can make a huge impact on the ease of learning students are given. I most definitely agree that classroom management plays a key role in a successful learning environment.

  2. I feel that classroom management is very important in a classroom setting. Classroom management is a way to direct the attention of students to their tasks in class and to also get the students' attention. There are so many different ways you could use classroom management. Examples would be having low book shelves, keeping the trash can in the back of the room or by your desk, putting your desk in an area that can see everything, putting the students in rows or groups, putting students that get easily distracted in the front middle..NOT BY THE WINDOWS. By keeping your students attention, you are able to communicate with you class and help them learn the material being provided to them. Examples of classroom management for getting your students attention would be me saying "One, two, eyes on me" and the students answer with, "One, two, eyes on you." Another would be to play music and when the music is turned off; the students then know to look at you for further directions. By keeping your students on task, they are able to get their work done and are able to take their time while doing so. By taking their time they are doing the work to further their understanding in the subject.

    1. I agree with what you have posted, but I especially like how you have listed the examples of ways to have good classroom management. I have noticed in my past experiences of observing that keeping the children who are easily distracted away from the windows is a great way to help keep the child or children on task. Your examples of ways to get the children's attention are also going to be important to us as teachers. Having good transition cues such as playing music or clapping will help make the classroom flow much easier.

    2. Jillian,

      I really like how you posted several examples of small ways to promote positive classroom management. Many of them exemplified ways to help keep students on task and paying attention. I especially liked the idea of playing music while students are working on a task and having them understand to look to the teacher when the music is turned off. I think that having those nonverbal cues are very important in managing a classroom because they promote mutual understanding between teachers and students and students must be alert and paying attention.

  3. I feel as if classroom management plays a huge role in the success of a classroom. Without classroom management, a classroom will most likely become chaotic and unorganized. Lessons will not flow as planned and a lot of time is wasted. Having classroom management helps keep the children better focused and the teacher will have more of their attention which in turn, leads to better control and better learning. I think that on the first day of school teachers should inform their students of the rules and expectations. If students know what are expected of them from the beginning, it should save a lot of time for the rest of the year. Every time a teacher has to stop to discipline a student, time is lost for all of the other students to learn. If teachers have good classroom management, then the structure and flow of the classroom should run smoothly. The more classroom management there is, the more likely students will pay attention and become engaged in classroom activities and discussions. This, in turn, will impact their learning in positive ways.

  4. Reply to Melissa:

    I agree with you that it is important to set expectations and rules right away the first day. I think it is important that students understand what is expected of them and what needs to be done. I also agree with the classroom flowing more smoothly with great classroom management. I feel the students will also be able to pay closer attention and understand the content being taught. You did a very nice job explaining yourself in this blog and I can see that you have a grea t understanding of classroom management. Nice work!


  5. Reply to Jillian:

    I appreciate your inclusion of room and seating arrangement as being a part of classroom management. I had forgotten that every little detail contributes to the flow of a lesson. From my personal experience in the classroom I have noticed the verbal signals (such as "one two, eyes on you") to be a very effective classroom management tool.

  6. Reply to Amanda:

    You have a great understanding that you need to plan ahead. I also feel that you have a great understanding of what classroom management really means. Nice job!
    I agree that the teacher needs to set the rolls of a teacher student right away. It is so important to have those established so there is no miscommunicationg later in the year. I also feel that by setting classroom rules there will be more respect given from not just student to teacher but teacher to student as well.


  7. Reply to Melissa:

    I love that you mention a chaotic classroom as a waste of learning time. And it really is important to set expectations at the begining of the year, as to not waste time throughout the year working on disciplin. You sound like you are a very pro-active person. Good for you! And while I am writing you, how did you reply to a comment? Jillian and I could not get it to work. Thank you!

  8. Classroom management is a big contributer to how the day will go. When a teacher doesn't have control over the classroom, the students will get out of hand and it will be harder to bring them back in and focused. Melissa's initial post hits this question on the nose! She mentions setting out the expextations of the classroom right away. I believe this will lead to less ocnfusion and the students will know what they need to do to become successful students.

    1. I agree with everything that you say. If there is no classroom management there is almost no chance that the day will go smoothly.

  9. Classroom management is the KEY to a successful classroom. Without classroom management, there is no learning or teaching being done, you are basically trying to manage the kids from one activity to the next. Without classroom management, you have wasted teaching time and fall behind in your lessons. One classroom I observed had excellent classroom management and the teacher and I talked about what it took to have a classroom like this. She said the first six weeks of school are important. For those six weeks you get to know your students and they get to know you. As a class, you come up with classroom rules and expectations as well as daily practice and repetition of your transitions. Certain songs were played when it was time to move onto the next subject and when the kids heard each song they knew what was expected of them. One song meant they had to put everything away and place their journals on their desks then they were allowed to go up to the front of the room and dance around. Another song told them it was time to put everything away and go get your snack. There was another song for lining up for lunch time. Practice, practice, practice was all it took. She said they would spend entire days just on practicing these routines and without these routines she would get nothing done during the day. The students must know what is expected of them and can't take advantage of that. The teacher played some really cool songs and the kids enjoyed getting up and getting to dance around, but as soon as the song was over they knew where they should be sitting and what they should be doing. I think having the students get up and move around is another great way to help them focus. They get to exercise all that built up energy and can prepare and focus on the next subject or task at hand. The more classroom management there is, the less likely your students will get sidetracked or off topic. Classroom management promotes order, learning, and an overall better classroom environment!

    1. Megan,

      I completely agree with you that without classroom management you can't either teach or learn. You also pointed out that it was important to create rules together in the first few weeks of school. In my Instruction and Planning class that I'm in right now, we talked about this and how important it is is that you work together to create the rules. If you as a teacher just set the rules, the kids won't feel like they have ownership and are more likely to disobey them. Also, I liked how you touched on some ways to transition from class to class.

  10. Classroom management is extremely important when it comes to being in charge of your own class. If there is chaos throughout the classroom, there is absolutely no chance of getting the kids on track in order to complete the goals for that day. Looking at it from a student's perspective, it is also an unfortunate environment to be in. It makes it hard for those who actually want to pay attention and learn. It is important that the teacher is able to communicate with their classroom effectively and is able to manage their students to the best of their abilities. That way it makes the best learning environment for both the teacher and their pupils.

    Nicole Schroeder

    1. I completely agree with the statement you made about how a chaotic classroom makes it hard for those student's who are trying to pay attention and want to learn. Just because some student's don't want to pay attention and learn doesn't mean they all don't want to. You need to be respectful of those student's who want to further their education and came to school for a reason. A question I have is, do you think classroom management is only up to the teacher to enforce or does it take both the teacher and student's to have successful classroom management?

    2. Nicole, I agree with your statement about classroom management affecting the students as well. It is discouraging to see a student get upset because of a teacher and the lack of classroom management. This is another reason why we must keep classroom management in control at all times.

  11. I think that classroom management is the key to a successful learning environment because not only does it promote a positive learning atmosphere but students also have common understanding of what is expected of them. When teachers use expectations to promote a healthy and comfortable community in the classroom, students also have the understanding that their goals as learners and their teacher's goals are one in the same. Not only does classroom management involve behavioral and social expectations but it also involves the management of content that students are learning. When students have a clear idea of what they are learning and what is expected of them, they have more of an opportunity to be engaged and have their own personal goals. This in turn only promotes more involvement and agreement in the classroom setting.

  12. Classroom management is the key to a successful day in the classroom because it contributes to productive learning. It allows the students to stay focused on what is important. Classroom management allows each student to contribute to discussion and help each other learn within healthy boundaries that won't upset some students are make it hard to learn for others. When the class is crazy and out of control they are less likely to be actively involved in learning.

  13. To Amanda:

    I agree that the beginning of the school year is incredibly important! I heard once (I don't know how true this is) that it is better to be stricter in the beginning of the year to let the students know that you have high expectations of them. You can maintain those expectations throughout the year but maybe some of the strictness wears off. Starting things off on the right foot is definitely critical to classroom management.
