Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Classroom Management

It has been said that classroom management can be the key to a successful classroom. Why do you think that could be true? In what ways do classroom management techniques impact student learning?


  1. I think that classroom management has a lot to do with a successful classroom. If the classroom is chaotic and in disarray the student's focus is not going to be on learning. They will first of all think that it is okay to come in and be disruptive and not pay attention to anything the teacher has to say. A teacher who does not have good classroom management techniques will not earn the respect that is so important for students to listen and want to learn things from that teacher. I believe that it is important to have effective ways to deal with students that will get them to respond in a positive way, not act out more just because of the way things were handled. Since I have not taken classroom management, I do not know of many specific techniques. What I do know is that anything and everything that we decide to do in the classroom as teachers having to do with classroom management will have an impact on students. What will be important is making that impact a positive one.

  2. I have to agree with Lindsay in that classroom mangagement is very important. You do not want to have your students walking all over you and taking control of the classroom in a nonproductive way. You will not be able to get anything accomplished if this occurs. I believe that, in regards to classroom management, there needs to be a fine line between being a "friend" and a disciplinarian. You don't want to be too hard on your students because then they will not be motivated to come to class and learn every day. However, like i said before, if you don't have enough discipline in your classroom, you run the risk of having your students taking over the classroom. You want to have fun with your students and get them motivated to come to class every day, but you want to ensure that you have good classroom management techniques so that your students don't get out of hand.

  3. Aned14 makes a good point with the line between a friend and disciplinary. I think finding a good balance should always be a goal of each teacher for their classroom. We need them to have a respect for us so they will listen and do what they are supposed to. I think also another good way to set your classroom up for success is to let students know what you expect right away. One of the best things we can do is show the students from the first day how we want things and what we expect from them and what they can expect from us. This can be done with a syllabus outlining what will be done and/or maybe a rules chart. This could also take place as a classroom discussion so students can come up with ideas of how things should be and if something does happen, how it should be handled. From my experience, you might find out they would be more hard on themselves than you would be. This communication between teacher and students is a good way to manage the classroom and set everyone up for success.

  4. I believe that classroom management is the key to be a successful teacher. Teacher's need to be in control of their class without being controlling. Students need to realize that they need to give the teacher respect in the classroom and in order to gain that respect teachers need to set ground rules and manage their classroom. It is difficult for students to concentrate and learn when other students are goofing off and not listening to directions. It is important to allow your students to help make rules for the classroom, that way it is easier for the students to follow those rules. It is also important not to be a dictator but to still have the control of the classroom in a positive manner.

  5. Classroom management is critical to keeping a classroom organizated, productive, and on task quite often. Nobody wants a bunch of students running around, screaming at the top of their lungs, flicking each other with their pencils. Classroom management brings high expectations for themselves the teacher and for the students to follow on a daily basis. Students need structured learning and that is what classroom management can give them. You want to make students feel comfortable taking risks and being challenged on a daily basis without feeling judged or that they did something wrong. The case may be students just made a simple mistake and if management techniques have been set up to guide the student in the right direction. Classroom management projects your attitude about the students and the healthy respect/trust you will give them. However, students need to recognize that they have your trust and not to try and break it.

  6. Caitlin:
    I agree that you do not want to be controlling with your management of the classroom. That to me feels like teacher-centered learning instead of student-centered learning. That point you made also shows that restrictive environments for the classroom will not help the students grow on a daily basis or meet the expectations set forth. Students want reliable teaching and management skills from their teacher and it is our job to prepare ourselves for this with field experience, practice, self-awareness, metacognition, and self-reflection on a daily basis. The question we should ask ourselves is, "How are the students doing?" It's like you said not being a dictator, but controlling the classroom positively and for the benefit of the students.

  7. Classroom management is a key factor into every students education. THink about it this way. Students learn the best in an enviroment that is controled and relaxed. No student will learn when the enviroment is uncontroled. Now im not saying that students shouldn't have a say in things and this should be the strickest place ever because its not. Students should have the right to feel safe to be able to express themselves. Students should not feel like they are being judged for wanting to express themeselves. I guess what I am trying to say is that teachers need to creat in enviroment that is safe for anyone to grow in and for it not to be a too relaxed or a stricked enviroment

  8. I agree with Andrew in the fact that structured learning can bring about positive classroom management. In order to do so, you need to set clear expectations for your students right away. This ensures that your students understand the consequences of their actions if they misbehave. If you don't set clear guidelines, you run the risk of students walking over you. Also, I agree with what Andrew said about the need for students to feel comfortable taking risks and asking questions in the classroom. I believe that this can come about through good classroom management skills brought about by the teacher. The teacher should be able to control the classroom enough to where no one feels judged about making comments during class discussion. Overall, classroom management is very important and must be used effectively within the classroom.

  9. I also agree with aned14 in the fact that there is a fine line between friend and disciplinarian. Of course, you will want your students to like you and feel comfortable with you but you also need to make sure they know you are in control of the class. It is important that you do not become the best of friends with the students because that will give them the feeling that they do not have to listen to you. But, you also do not want to be punishing the students all the time either. Neither of these will allow students to learn in a productive, positive manner.

  10. I think that classroom management has a lot to do with a classroom being a successful one. If students aren't on task, nothing productive will get done. Students learn better in a structured environment, so if the classroom is unstructured it will be more difficult for them to learn. Teachers must keep their students under control and enforce rules without being too strict. It is also important for them to understand how they are to act in this kind of environment not only for their future education experiences but also for their work experiences later in life.

  11. I think classroom management is an integral part of a classroom. I think that the most important thing I have learned in my classes is that you need to expect dignity with compliance. I think it is important for students to know that you respect them and demand that same respect in return. Not much seems to get done if respect is not present. I think that if you share your expectations of the students they are more willing to comply with what you are asking.
    Classroom management is so important for the learning of students. They will not only learn how to follow rules they will learn how to be leaders in the classroom. If the students learn to follow the rules you set in place they will ultimately learn how to be better citizens in a community. Same goes for following rules, these rules are actually helping students become respectful people and model citizens. We are shaping the people of America with compliance and dignity.

  12. I agree with the statement that classroom management is key. And I agree with Lindsey that without management the classroom would be in total disarray. Being that there are so many theories regarding management and I do not know which I agree with yet. I like to believe in the community model, where the teacher is a supporter and everyone is equal but I also believe what Melanie said about respect. There needs to be some semblance of authority regarding the teacher position, but it should not be a dictatorship. I believe that the students need to know what is expected of them and what behaviors are and are not acceptable. When classroom management is implemented correctly, it provides a more stable environment that is cohesive to learning. Students have less distraction and can focus more on the material and classroom activities. They learn what is expected of them in classroom and in the school setting.

  13. I think everyone here has basically said the same thing. Which means to me we all have a general idea what classroom management is all about. Everyone has key points in it and everyone has strong opinions on it. I beleive that we really wont know what classroom management will work for us until we are in the classroom ourselves.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think classroom management is necessary for a successful classroom. Like many others have said, without it learning falls by the wayside due to chaos. Students will have difficulty performing tasks expected of them. Classroom management also sets the tone for the class environment. A classroom environment can be inviting to others, a place where students are comfortable and able to share thoughts, ideas or feelings. However, this environment is not likely to happen when a class is not on task. There are several management techniques that support an environment. As a pre-service teacher I do not yet have a “management style”. I believe that once I enter the profession it may take a little time to find the technique that I feel comfortable with, sets the tone for a successful classroom and is beneficial to my students.

  16. I agree that classroom management plays a huge role in creating a successful classroom environment. If a classroom is out of control and there’s no structure, students will be much more likely to lose interest in what’s being taught. They will also not be able to focus or stay on task. It’s important to be in control of your class and let them know the expectations you have for them. Let them know right away at the beginning of the year what you expect from them so they have a full understanding of what’s considered appropriate classroom behavior. It’s also very important to be consistent with the rules you have provided. If you stay consistent, students will be more likely to take you seriously.

  17. I like that aned14 pointed out that you need to find a fine line between being a “friend” and a disciplinarian. Although you need to have control of your classroom, you need to make sure you’re not controlling your students at the same time. You need to provide an environment in which they feel comfortable to approach you. If they feel like they can relate to you, your student-teacher relationships will be much more successful.

  18. I feel that classroom management makes or breaks a teacher. I feel that the students will only take as much as the teacher gives them. I feel that a teacher must set the tone once the school year starts. I feel that the teacher must start off strong and then the teacher can always lighten up as the year goes. Once you set a level of respect, you cannot make it any stricter. It is important to have control of you classroom.

  19. I agree with Caitlin. Teacher must be in total control of the classroom and that students need to give respect to get it. I feel that when the classroom management is undercontrol you can acheive many things in a school year.
