•Reflective practice is a hallmark of successful teaching•
Monday, September 27, 2010
Classroom Managment
How does the physical arrangement of the classroom impact management? How do you think adapting student assignments (for those with learning disabilities or those who need enrichment) has an impact on classroom management?
I think that the physical arrangement of the classroom has a huge impact on classroom management. It is important that the teacher is able to move around and get to every student in the classroom in case they have questions, or if the teacher needs to speak with the student for other reasons. If the teacher can not get near every student, some of them may not participate as much in class because they know that the teacher isn't going to be able to come over and check on them. It is also important that students who mess around a lot when they are together are not seated by each other because if they are, the teacher will have to spend a lot of time trying to get these students to be on task.
I think that it is also really important that teachers adapt assignments for the students who have different skill levels because if students are doing something that is at their level, they are likely to be less disruptive and keep busy with what they are supposed to be doing. When students are given tasks that are too simple for them, often times they just fly right through the assignment and then become a distraction to others. Likewise, students who are given assignments that are too difficult for them often times just give up on the assignment and choose to mess around instead. If the teacher assigns tasks that are relevant and appropriate for each student, the students are more likely to stay on task and it will be easier for the teacher to manage the students.
I think that the physical arrangement of the classroom is extremely important so that the teacher is able to move around and get to every student in the class. Also to have to sutdents with their eyes up front so that the teacher is able to make eye contact with each of his or her students. With out good arrangement of the classroom, the teacher is unable to get to every students and that results in having less student participation.
I also agree that teachers should assign studens assignments that are suitable to their level of education. As much as I as a teacher would want all of my students on the same page, doing the same assignments so that we can have class disscussions and nobody gets either left behind or too far ahead, I at the same time beleive that if a student is not being challenged then you as a teacher are wasiting his or her time. Thats why I really appreciate programs such as L.E.O and other special education programs so that students who are either ahead of their class or behind can be put into that program so that they are learning the appropriate material sutied to them personally.
I think that the arrangement impacts the classroom and classroom management greatly. If we have students that either are best friends or dont get along sitting next to each other than we can have problems with their ability to focus and learn. I remember when I was in school I would always want to sit by my best friend, I only wanted to sit by them so that we could talk to each other and I'm sure that hasn't changed with students these days.
I also agree with what Katie said about the teacher needing to be able to move around the classroom so that they are able to see all the students and give directions where they can see that everyone is paying attention. It is also important to be able to get to everyone easily so that you can answer questions that students may have.
The arrangement of the classroom has a major impact on classroom management. Teachers don't just randomly decide where the students are going to sit, thought must be applied when arranging a room. I feel like the teacher's desk should always be in a place where he/she can see all of the students. (if the teacher is always at their desk) I also strongly agree with the arrangement of desks in groups. I think that working together in groups is a very important activity in the elementary years and sitting at tables can foster these activities. I also believe that once the teacher gets to know the students, he/she should be able to decide who should be sitting by one another. There are some students in some classrooms that just either cannot get along, or they get along too well and they talk all of the time. I think arrangement of students' desks is one of the most important factors of classroom management when it comes to arrangement. I also think that teachers should know what students may need a more advanced lesson and the students who may need more instruction in a lesson. I think that this is a challenge as teachers because there are so many different knowledge levels when it comes to one classroom. This can impact classroom management because some students may get distracted or bored during a lesson if they are more advanced than the lesson, and it may also cause students who become confused to drift off as well. As long as students are engaged and the teacher does their best to keep all of the students engaged by creating lessons that can be geared towards all levels in the classroom, classroom management should be in control.
I think the arrangement of the classroom is very important. The arrangement determines how the students are going to focus in class. For instance, if there are a lot of things like books, toys, or posters for the students to look at while the teacher is teaching, the students are going to be distracted by them. I think it is important to have the students' desks all in one area, all facing the front so they are in a comfortable position to look towards the teacher/board. As many other people already said too, it is important for the teacher to be able to get to every student if they were to have a question or need to get help. I find the U-shaped arrangement a great arrangement because it is good for student participation and discussion. It is also good because the teacher can walk around the students and be in a close area to all of the students.
I also agree with Katie as well. I feel like professors in our classrooms here at UNI sometime struggle to get around the room. One of my professors in particular has a hard time getting to each group to discuss problems with them and connect with them in group discussions. I believe that teacher mobility is very important in order to keep the students interested and to also keep them on task. Some students at the back of the room may never have to pay attention if their teacher cannot get to where they are sitting to see what they are doing. If this happens, then the entire class can get off task and distracted.
The physical arrangement of a room largely impacts classroom managment. I believe that when students are facing every which way in a classroom, it is hard for the teacher to have all of the students' attention. It's like facing half of the students towards the back of the room and the other half facing the teacher. It doesn't make sense! The physical arrangement of a room can benefit a teacher and his or her classroom management because it can help diminsh behavior issues for one which in turn can cause a lot of other issues if not controlled.
I think that adapting student assignements can both hurt and help classroom managament. I think it can hurt because it will point out to the other students which particular student needs extra help or is the "smart" one of the group which in turn can hurt the other students because they may think they are dumb or have to be special to get teacher attention. I also think this same thing can help classroom management because it may make other students work harder and/or help students in their class who may need it verses picking on them!
I also think that the physical arrangement of the classroom has a huge impact on classroom management. When you are making a seating chart for the classroom it is important to consider the behavior of each student and be aware of whether they are more dependent or independent learners because this could really affect where they need to be seated in the classroom in order for them to get the most out of a lesson or activity. Each child's behavior also needs to be considered when placing students around the classroom because this will allow the teacher to place the children where they will behave the best and cause less disruptions allowing other students around them to also get the most out of the lesson being taught at that time. Another part of the physical space that deals with classroom management is where to put the teachers desk and also if you plan to put in some sort of work tables around the classroom as well. These things will need to be placed around the room so that when students are at these tables they don't cause distractions for other students and the teachers desk will need to be placed in an area that is easily accessible.
I think it is very important to consider physical space in the classroom when deciding where to seat children with disabilities or children who need enrichment. I think that if there are more than one in the classroom which is very likely, that they should be spread out enough among other students for a type of peer learning and where they are able to see what others are doing around them. I also think that though they should be spread out among their peers, they should be able to easily exit the room with minimal disruptions as they may be doing this a lot to meet with different helpers throughout the day.
As Amanda said, the arrangement is also very important for the students seating arrangement. As she said, they need to be situated as their behavior determines them. Each student needs to be place to where they will get the most out of each lesson for themselves and their classmates with the least amount of distraction possible.
Physical arrangement is a very important aspect of the classroom. It could help or hurt the students' learning and the total enviornment of the classroom. When teachers are designing their classrooms they should heavily consider what type of atmosphere they are trying to create. If there are numerous distractions around the room where students are designated to work, the teacher may find that their lessons are not as effective because of it. When students are not in a productive enviornent and have several distractions it interferes with the learning which can cause disruptions. So, the room arrangement can definately affect the enviornemnt and students learning. Adapting student assignments (for those with learning disabilities or those who need enrichment) has an major impact on classroom management. If students are not interested, feel involved or does not understand what is being taught they are more likely to cause distractions. This prevents other students to lose focus, which can lead to misbehavior. Therefore teacher should present material in several ways to reach all the students in the class.
Also Megan brought up a good point about the physical room arrangement. It is extremely important for teachers to be able to move around the classroom to interact with each student. I think an excellent way of setting up the desks, as in my Level II room, is the shape of a 'u' or semi circle. This way the teacher can visit each student individually without having to squeeze through or walk up and down rows of desks
I think Kaitlyn brought up a really good point about seating arragnments. Although it would be nice to let the students sit by their friends, it is more then likely unrealstic that they will be paying attention and putting all of their effort into their learning. Assigning seats for your students is the one of the best things you can do as a teacher when it comes to classroom arrangment.
I think that the way that the classroom is arranged has a huge impact on classroom management. I think that if you don't have your room set up in a way that helps with your learning then you are going to struggle with your class. I think that it has a impact on classroom management because you are allowing each student to learn. It allows each student to learn even if it is a little different from the other students they are still learning and will not be causing trouble in your classroom.
I agree with what Jenny said about how to place the desks. It is really important to be able to get to all of your students because it will be easier to help each student with their questions. It is also lets your students know that you can get to them when they may misbehave and they will also know that you can see them and know what they doing. I also think that if you put the desks away from a door that is also better because I remember having a desk by the door and I would always be looking out the door to see who was passing by in the hallway.
I think that classroom management has a huge impact on the success of learning. It is necessary to have the room set up to optimize learning. Since I am in elementary education, I plan on having a specific area in the classroom that is for Centers, a play area, a reading area, and a learning area. I think that this can help a lot with keeping students on task. I also plan on implementing a schedule and posting it so that the students know where to go next. Hopefully this will also help keep them on task. I will have to get to know my students to decide the best seating pattern for them. For example, I will know who should and shouldn't sit by each other. I will also know if the students do better individually or in groups. Management also deals with teaching style. I have realized after giving lesson plans in different classrooms that you never know what to expect with a group of students. Teachers need to be very flexible with their teaching strategies. Sometimes the plan you have mapped out works fine and other times you need to make changes as you go along. Students with disabilities can make a big difference to classroom management. Not only does it impact the space available and the physical environment, but it also affects the lesson plans. You need to make sure that your lesson plan works for every individual student in the classroom. It is also a good idea to make a few rough lesson plans in case the one you have ready is not working for everyone. I hope that I will be able to make lesson plans that are challenging but doable for everyone in my classroom. Sometimes it just requires more work with one individual than it does with another.
The classroom environment is very important when looking at the classroom management aspect of the class. A class that is cluttered and unorganized will cause chaos in the classroom. It is important that the room is neat, orderly, fun, decorative, and functional. The desks should be arranged in such a way that all the students can see the board and the teacher while the lesson is being presented. Also, the teacher should be able to move around the classroom freely so they can reach/help each student.
I believe that it is important for teachers to make changes to lesson plans for students of different ability levels. Students need to feel confident in their ablilities, so if the lesson is too difficult for them they will be off task. The student may become frusterated, therefor create distractions for other students. Similarly, students who feel the lesson is too easy will not feel challenged enough will also cause a hectic environment for the other students.
I think that Classroom Management is a very important key to all successful classrooms. Classroom Management is not only the way in which a teacher handles her classroom like rules and procedures but also how his/her classroom is set up. I believe that the way a teacher treats his/her students determine the way their students will treat them. By setting up a daily routine will help classroom management overall in a positive way. By doing this and many other techniques, classroom management will make the class a positve place to be. The classroom management that I have seen in college is different than what a normal teacher will deal with. I believe having classroom management in a college setting is harder because of such big classrooms and not having your own room. One structure they have control over is the syllabus this allows them to show students what they expect of them. By creating your own syllabus will be the same but not having your own classroom is a lot different and will give your more opportunities to have a better handle on your classroom management.
I think what Kristine said about the room neeeding to be neat and chaos free is a great point. A student will focus better if they are in direct line with the board and the teacher but also will have less distractions the less chaotic the room is. I have learned a lot in my classes while being at UNI about the making sure your lessons plans do not just fit a mold but rather fit your students. The level of your lesson plans will effect the way your students are learning and succeeding in your classroom. All of these things are very important ideas under classroomm management.
I think classroom arrange has a pretty big impact on how the students learn. If you have the classroom arranged in a way where students can explore and have some personal freedom but still be focused on the teacher and the task on hand then you have your classroom managed very well. When it comes to adapting and accommodating students that have learning disabilities or need more assistance in learning a specific task, I definitely think a teacher should consider this. Making sure you meet the needs of all your students and helping the to be successful is what i believe makes a great teacher. When you can help students reach their greatest potential, whether its you helping the student or getting for the student, it should most definitely be a high priority for the teacher to meet every students needs by any means necessary.
I believe the arrangement of the classroom has a TON to do with how students learn. I believe the classroom should be set up in such a way that it gives students maximum potential for learning, discovering, and doing in the classroom. Also how the classroom is arranged has a lot to do with classroom management and how well the students are focused in the classroom. I believe that a teacher should attempt to adapt to every child's learning, whether they have some sort of a disability or not, to the best of their ability. Helping every student to achieve success the best they can is a teacher's job, and they should make sure everyone is learning to the best of their ability in their classroom.
The physical arrangement of the classroom is a large part of classroom management. I believe that students' desks should be placed in a way so that every students' face is visible from the teacher's desk, or wherever the teacher sits most often. I think this because you will not only be able to see what they are working on but you can also see where their eyes are directed and if they are looking off into space or seem to be engaged in the lesson. I also think that desks arranged in groups is beneficial for students because it promotes group work and it will teach students when speaking with peers is appropriate and inappropriate.
I also believe that the placement of distractions is a large part of classroom arrangement and classroom management. Distractions such as too many posters, windows, art projects and reading areas should be put as far out of a student's range of sight to prevent them from becoming distracted.
Adapting student assignments has a large impact of classroom management. It is extremely hard to find a class full of students who are all at the same level developmentally. If a child is above or below level of a topic on a worksheet or classroom work then that student may become bored or distracting to other students, which in turn will create a negative classroom environment. Adapting assignments to an appropriate level for students can only benefit classroom management and the classroom environment.
I think that the physical arrangement of the classroom has a huge impact on classroom management. It is important that the teacher is able to move around and get to every student in the classroom in case they have questions, or if the teacher needs to speak with the student for other reasons. If the teacher can not get near every student, some of them may not participate as much in class because they know that the teacher isn't going to be able to come over and check on them. It is also important that students who mess around a lot when they are together are not seated by each other because if they are, the teacher will have to spend a lot of time trying to get these students to be on task.
ReplyDeleteI think that it is also really important that teachers adapt assignments for the students who have different skill levels because if students are doing something that is at their level, they are likely to be less disruptive and keep busy with what they are supposed to be doing. When students are given tasks that are too simple for them, often times they just fly right through the assignment and then become a distraction to others. Likewise, students who are given assignments that are too difficult for them often times just give up on the assignment and choose to mess around instead. If the teacher assigns tasks that are relevant and appropriate for each student, the students are more likely to stay on task and it will be easier for the teacher to manage the students.
I think that the physical arrangement of the classroom is extremely important so that the teacher is able to move around and get to every student in the class. Also to have to sutdents with their eyes up front so that the teacher is able to make eye contact with each of his or her students. With out good arrangement of the classroom, the teacher is unable to get to every students and that results in having less student participation.
ReplyDeleteI also agree that teachers should assign studens assignments that are suitable to their level of education. As much as I as a teacher would want all of my students on the same page, doing the same assignments so that we can have class disscussions and nobody gets either left behind or too far ahead, I at the same time beleive that if a student is not being challenged then you as a teacher are wasiting his or her time. Thats why I really appreciate programs such as L.E.O and other special education programs so that students who are either ahead of their class or behind can be put into that program so that they are learning the appropriate material sutied to them personally.
I think that the arrangement impacts the classroom and classroom management greatly. If we have students that either are best friends or dont get along sitting next to each other than we can have problems with their ability to focus and learn. I remember when I was in school I would always want to sit by my best friend, I only wanted to sit by them so that we could talk to each other and I'm sure that hasn't changed with students these days.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with what Katie said about the teacher needing to be able to move around the classroom so that they are able to see all the students and give directions where they can see that everyone is paying attention. It is also important to be able to get to everyone easily so that you can answer questions that students may have.
ReplyDeleteThe arrangement of the classroom has a major impact on classroom management. Teachers don't just randomly decide where the students are going to sit, thought must be applied when arranging a room. I feel like the teacher's desk should always be in a place where he/she can see all of the students. (if the teacher is always at their desk) I also strongly agree with the arrangement of desks in groups. I think that working together in groups is a very important activity in the elementary years and sitting at tables can foster these activities. I also believe that once the teacher gets to know the students, he/she should be able to decide who should be sitting by one another. There are some students in some classrooms that just either cannot get along, or they get along too well and they talk all of the time. I think arrangement of students' desks is one of the most important factors of classroom management when it comes to arrangement. I also think that teachers should know what students may need a more advanced lesson and the students who may need more instruction in a lesson. I think that this is a challenge as teachers because there are so many different knowledge levels when it comes to one classroom. This can impact classroom management because some students may get distracted or bored during a lesson if they are more advanced than the lesson, and it may also cause students who become confused to drift off as well. As long as students are engaged and the teacher does their best to keep all of the students engaged by creating lessons that can be geared towards all levels in the classroom, classroom management should be in control.
ReplyDeleteI think the arrangement of the classroom is very important. The arrangement determines how the students are going to focus in class. For instance, if there are a lot of things like books, toys, or posters for the students to look at while the teacher is teaching, the students are going to be distracted by them. I think it is important to have the students' desks all in one area, all facing the front so they are in a comfortable position to look towards the teacher/board. As many other people already said too, it is important for the teacher to be able to get to every student if they were to have a question or need to get help. I find the U-shaped arrangement a great arrangement because it is good for student participation and discussion. It is also good because the teacher can walk around the students and be in a close area to all of the students.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with Katie as well. I feel like professors in our classrooms here at UNI sometime struggle to get around the room. One of my professors in particular has a hard time getting to each group to discuss problems with them and connect with them in group discussions. I believe that teacher mobility is very important in order to keep the students interested and to also keep them on task. Some students at the back of the room may never have to pay attention if their teacher cannot get to where they are sitting to see what they are doing. If this happens, then the entire class can get off task and distracted.
ReplyDeleteThe physical arrangement of a room largely impacts classroom managment. I believe that when students are facing every which way in a classroom, it is hard for the teacher to have all of the students' attention. It's like facing half of the students towards the back of the room and the other half facing the teacher. It doesn't make sense! The physical arrangement of a room can benefit a teacher and his or her classroom management because it can help diminsh behavior issues for one which in turn can cause a lot of other issues if not controlled.
ReplyDeleteI think that adapting student assignements can both hurt and help classroom managament. I think it can hurt because it will point out to the other students which particular student needs extra help or is the "smart" one of the group which in turn can hurt the other students because they may think they are dumb or have to be special to get teacher attention. I also think this same thing can help classroom management because it may make other students work harder and/or help students in their class who may need it verses picking on them!
I also think that the physical arrangement of the classroom has a huge impact on classroom management. When you are making a seating chart for the classroom it is important to consider the behavior of each student and be aware of whether they are more dependent or independent learners because this could really affect where they need to be seated in the classroom in order for them to get the most out of a lesson or activity. Each child's behavior also needs to be considered when placing students around the classroom because this will allow the teacher to place the children where they will behave the best and cause less disruptions allowing other students around them to also get the most out of the lesson being taught at that time. Another part of the physical space that deals with classroom management is where to put the teachers desk and also if you plan to put in some sort of work tables around the classroom as well. These things will need to be placed around the room so that when students are at these tables they don't cause distractions for other students and the teachers desk will need to be placed in an area that is easily accessible.
ReplyDeleteI think it is very important to consider physical space in the classroom when deciding where to seat children with disabilities or children who need enrichment. I think that if there are more than one in the classroom which is very likely, that they should be spread out enough among other students for a type of peer learning and where they are able to see what others are doing around them. I also think that though they should be spread out among their peers, they should be able to easily exit the room with minimal disruptions as they may be doing this a lot to meet with different helpers throughout the day.
As Amanda said, the arrangement is also very important for the students seating arrangement. As she said, they need to be situated as their behavior determines them. Each student needs to be place to where they will get the most out of each lesson for themselves and their classmates with the least amount of distraction possible.
ReplyDeletePhysical arrangement is a very important aspect of the classroom. It could help or hurt the students' learning and the total enviornment of the classroom. When teachers are designing their classrooms they should heavily consider what type of atmosphere they are trying to create. If there are numerous distractions around the room where students are designated to work, the teacher may find that their lessons are not as effective because of it. When students are not in a productive enviornent and have several distractions it interferes with the learning which can cause disruptions. So, the room arrangement can definately affect the enviornemnt and students learning.
ReplyDeleteAdapting student assignments (for those with learning disabilities or those who need enrichment) has an major impact on classroom management. If students are not interested, feel involved or does not understand what is being taught they are more likely to cause distractions. This prevents other students to lose focus, which can lead to misbehavior. Therefore teacher should present material in several ways to reach all the students in the class.
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ReplyDeleteAlso Megan brought up a good point about the physical room arrangement. It is extremely important for teachers to be able to move around the classroom to interact with each student. I think an excellent way of setting up the desks, as in my Level II room, is the shape of a 'u' or semi circle. This way the teacher can visit each student individually without having to squeeze through or walk up and down rows of desks
ReplyDeleteI think Kaitlyn brought up a really good point about seating arragnments. Although it would be nice to let the students sit by their friends, it is more then likely unrealstic that they will be paying attention and putting all of their effort into their learning. Assigning seats for your students is the one of the best things you can do as a teacher when it comes to classroom arrangment.
ReplyDeleteI think that the way that the classroom is arranged has a huge impact on classroom management. I think that if you don't have your room set up in a way that helps with your learning then you are going to struggle with your class. I think that it has a impact on classroom management because you are allowing each student to learn. It allows each student to learn even if it is a little different from the other students they are still learning and will not be causing trouble in your classroom.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Jenny said about how to place the desks. It is really important to be able to get to all of your students because it will be easier to help each student with their questions. It is also lets your students know that you can get to them when they may misbehave and they will also know that you can see them and know what they doing. I also think that if you put the desks away from a door that is also better because I remember having a desk by the door and I would always be looking out the door to see who was passing by in the hallway.
ReplyDeleteI think that classroom management has a huge impact on the success of learning. It is necessary to have the room set up to optimize learning. Since I am in elementary education, I plan on having a specific area in the classroom that is for Centers, a play area, a reading area, and a learning area. I think that this can help a lot with keeping students on task. I also plan on implementing a schedule and posting it so that the students know where to go next. Hopefully this will also help keep them on task. I will have to get to know my students to decide the best seating pattern for them. For example, I will know who should and shouldn't sit by each other. I will also know if the students do better individually or in groups. Management also deals with teaching style. I have realized after giving lesson plans in different classrooms that you never know what to expect with a group of students. Teachers need to be very flexible with their teaching strategies. Sometimes the plan you have mapped out works fine and other times you need to make changes as you go along. Students with disabilities can make a big difference to classroom management. Not only does it impact the space available and the physical environment, but it also affects the lesson plans. You need to make sure that your lesson plan works for every individual student in the classroom. It is also a good idea to make a few rough lesson plans in case the one you have ready is not working for everyone. I hope that I will be able to make lesson plans that are challenging but doable for everyone in my classroom. Sometimes it just requires more work with one individual than it does with another.
ReplyDeleteThe classroom environment is very important when looking at the classroom management aspect of the class. A class that is cluttered and unorganized will cause chaos in the classroom. It is important that the room is neat, orderly, fun, decorative, and functional. The desks should be arranged in such a way that all the students can see the board and the teacher while the lesson is being presented. Also, the teacher should be able to move around the classroom freely so they can reach/help each student.
ReplyDeleteI believe that it is important for teachers to make changes to lesson plans for students of different ability levels. Students need to feel confident in their ablilities, so if the lesson is too difficult for them they will be off task. The student may become frusterated, therefor create distractions for other students. Similarly, students who feel the lesson is too easy will not feel challenged enough will also cause a hectic environment for the other students.
I think that Classroom Management is a very important key to all successful classrooms. Classroom Management is not only the way in which a teacher handles her classroom like rules and procedures but also how his/her classroom is set up. I believe that the way a teacher treats his/her students determine the way their students will treat them. By setting up a daily routine will help classroom management overall in a positive way. By doing this and many other techniques, classroom management will make the class a positve place to be. The classroom management that I have seen in college is different than what a normal teacher will deal with. I believe having classroom management in a college setting is harder because of such big classrooms and not having your own room. One structure they have control over is the syllabus this allows them to show students what they expect of them. By creating your own syllabus will be the same but not having your own classroom is a lot different and will give your more opportunities to have a better handle on your classroom management.
ReplyDeleteI think what Kristine said about the room neeeding to be neat and chaos free is a great point. A student will focus better if they are in direct line with the board and the teacher but also will have less distractions the less chaotic the room is. I have learned a lot in my classes while being at UNI about the making sure your lessons plans do not just fit a mold but rather fit your students. The level of your lesson plans will effect the way your students are learning and succeeding in your classroom. All of these things are very important ideas under classroomm management.
ReplyDeleteI think classroom arrange has a pretty big impact on how the students learn. If you have the classroom arranged in a way where students can explore and have some personal freedom but still be focused on the teacher and the task on hand then you have your classroom managed very well. When it comes to adapting and accommodating students that have learning disabilities or need more assistance in learning a specific task, I definitely think a teacher should consider this. Making sure you meet the needs of all your students and helping the to be successful is what i believe makes a great teacher. When you can help students reach their greatest potential, whether its you helping the student or getting for the student, it should most definitely be a high priority for the teacher to meet every students needs by any means necessary.
ReplyDeleteI believe the arrangement of the classroom has a TON to do with how students learn. I believe the classroom should be set up in such a way that it gives students maximum potential for learning, discovering, and doing in the classroom. Also how the classroom is arranged has a lot to do with classroom management and how well the students are focused in the classroom. I believe that a teacher should attempt to adapt to every child's learning, whether they have some sort of a disability or not, to the best of their ability. Helping every student to achieve success the best they can is a teacher's job, and they should make sure everyone is learning to the best of their ability in their classroom.
ReplyDeleteThe physical arrangement of the classroom is a large part of classroom management. I believe that students' desks should be placed in a way so that every students' face is visible from the teacher's desk, or wherever the teacher sits most often. I think this because you will not only be able to see what they are working on but you can also see where their eyes are directed and if they are looking off into space or seem to be engaged in the lesson. I also think that desks arranged in groups is beneficial for students because it promotes group work and it will teach students when speaking with peers is appropriate and inappropriate.
ReplyDeleteI also believe that the placement of distractions is a large part of classroom arrangement and classroom management. Distractions such as too many posters, windows, art projects and reading areas should be put as far out of a student's range of sight to prevent them from becoming distracted.
Adapting student assignments has a large impact of classroom management. It is extremely hard to find a class full of students who are all at the same level developmentally. If a child is above or below level of a topic on a worksheet or classroom work then that student may become bored or distracting to other students, which in turn will create a negative classroom environment. Adapting assignments to an appropriate level for students can only benefit classroom management and the classroom environment.