Monday, February 15, 2010

Classroom Management 5

How does the physical arrangement of the classroom impact management? How do you think adapting student assignments (for those with learning disabilities or those who need enrichment) has an impact on classroom management?


  1. I think the physical arrangement of a classroom has a large impact for classroom management. The arrangement of the classroom leads to the overall flow of the classroom, which helps create a feeling an energy inside the room. The physical arrangement can also impact certain types of learners in your classroom. For instance those kids with weak hearing and eyesight would be better suited towards the front, and those children that have trouble focusing would perform best up front and close to the teacher to help them stay on task. Arranging your classroom also allows you to place students next to each other: maybe a gifted student next to a student who is struggling to help that student, or placing two kids at the same level next to one another. The physical arrangement of a classroom definitely has an impact on classroom management.

  2. I agree totally with acashin. The physical arrangement can play a large part in classroom management and student learning. The students that are hard of hearing or have poor eyesight should always be placed at the front of the room, as well as those who need extra supervision. This will help them stay on task especially if the teacher is directly in front of them. The placement of a talented and productive student next to a student who is sometimes struggling is a good idea as well, this way that student can help the other when the teacher is helping someone else. The arrangement of desks/tables also sets a certain "vibe" for the room. The same old desk arrangement in rows/columns gets boring. But if you group them together too many than it's possible for students to become off task more. The arrangement of wall decorations can play a large part as well. The walls should be decorated with educational posters and things that are conducive to learning in those specific subjects, but at the same time it shouldn't be too "busy" that it distracts students when they should be focusing on learning. These all can play a large part in management and learning.

  3. I think after teaching two lessons I understand classroom management much more than I did prior to the lessons. By actually being the person who controls the classroom, you get a sense of what classroom management is all about. For example, the group set up on the North end of the classroom provided some challenges for me at first. The students liked to chat and I had a few moments where I felt that I was losing control of the classroom. If there was different arrangement of seating, I could have possibly kept their attention more than I did. As for students who may need more attention, I think that if I did this all over again I would find a way to get them more involved, possibly by sitting them towards the front or with students who I feel could assist them when I cannot by using differentiation or other techniques.

  4. I agree with the first two posts that stated the physical arrangement of the classroom plays a huge role in classroom management. By arranging the desks/tables a certain way, and by placing certain students in specific spots, you can set yourself up to manage the classroom more smoothly. I will have to take this into account in the future when I'm planning and eventually when I am out on my own teaching.

  5. I think the physical arrangement for classroom management is something to really think about. For instance if the teacher generally teaches next to a doorway, students could be constantly distracted by people walking in the hall or people coming into the room. You want to make it comfortable for the students to minimize distractions. Another example would be if the students had to turn their bodies every which way to see the teacher. Its best if the desks are facing a comfortable way for the students, this could interfer with their learning.

  6. Physical arrangement is very important in the classroom. If the students are seated in individual desks, the assignments will be more individually based. If the students sit at round tables, their assignments and tasks will probably focus on groupwork and discussion. The way a room is arranged can really help how your lessons, tasks, and assignments pan out.

  7. Like brrose1 said, it is important to seat students in specific spots to reach different outcomes. If you have all of the students who struggle with math sitting at the same table, they may tend to get off task and not be the best help for one another. However, if you have a mixture of abilities at a table, they will be able to think together to solve a problem and maybe even come up with different solution techniques. Also, students with learning disabilities or physical disabilities may need to sit in different spots in the room in order for them to get the most out of the lessons and classtime.

  8. The physical arrangement of a classroom is very important in classroom management. You want your classroom to have a lot of interesting and educational thing on the walls and around the classroom, but not too many things where it becomes distracting. You also want your students situated so its best suited for their learning. If you are going to do a lot of group work in your class you will want to have your classroom stituated so that students can easily work together. You also want your students sitting in a way that doesn't promote talking when they are not supposed to. Adapting student assignments has an effect on classroom management becuase some student might see that it is unfair that other students have special treatment or easier assessments. It is important to let students know that some students need extra help.

  9. I agree with Kelly that it is important to try to limit classroom distractions when arranging your classroom. Students can become easily distracted and if you can limit those distractions teaching and keeping their attention will be much easier.

  10. The physical arrangement of the classroom can have a tremendous impact on mangement of the classroom. If students are positioned in groups or seated at individual desks, if there are many windows that allow outside noises to enter the room and interesting things to be in view, and the objects contained in the classroom all can play a role in management and how easy it is to maintain control of the classroom. As far as adapting student assignments goes, I think it would make classroom management easier. If students are becoming frustrated with their work because they they have a learning disability then they probably will have some problems staying motivated to keep working and could potential distract other students. The same is true for people who are not being challenged enough. They may get done early with the assignment and therefore distract other students when they are done as well so it is important to adapt their assignments to account for this.
